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Examples: Sales Training Program, Commitment, Sales Strategy, How to Sell, etc.

Sales Books
Duane Sparks’ books on Selling are read cover-to-cover and over-and-over. Action Selling ® books are short, enjoyable reads that give you great ideas and processes to improve your sales team.

Training Techniques
When selling becomes a process, fewer mistakes are made. Make your sales training follow a proven adult-learning process so everyone retains and applies the most important concepts that drives sales success.

Sales White Papers
These “How To” papers provide more than just discussions of sales training issues, they help you solve them. You’ll get great advice and solid solutions on sales skill and sales training topics.

eCoach Newsletter
Each month you’ll receive solutions to common selling problems and you’ll have access to ask questions and receive answers from our eCoach.

Skills Assessment
Our validated skills assessment will help you know what areas of your selling game are good and what you need to work on.

Training Articles
Action Selling ® Rx is the cure for Selling Errors. Both sales manager and salesperson can use this simple system to diagnose selling problems.

ROI Calculator
Develop your sales skills by becoming Action Selling ® Certified at the associate level