Legal Sales & Law Firm Sales Training | Action Selling ®

Sales Training for Law Firms and Legal Professionals

Law firms and legal offices grapple with several industry-specific sales challenges. The intangibility of legal services makes communicating value difficult and building trust is essential due to the sensitive nature of the service provided.

Prolonged sales cycles arise from complex decision-making processes while stiff competition necessitates effective differentiation. Addressing price sensitivity requires justifying costs and educating clients about intricate legal concepts without overwhelming jargon. 

It’s tough — but not impossible — to overcome these challenges, differentiate in the market and bring greater success to your business. All you need is law firm sales training that makes sure your team knows how to better communicate your value proposition and turn that knowledge into revenue.

Why is law firm sales training important?

The right training helps equip your sales teams with tailored strategies to communicate complex legal concepts clearly, establish client trust and effectively convey the intangible value of legal services. It also shortens sales cycles by addressing client concerns and adapting outdated sales approaches to new standards. It helps foster credibility, maximize returns and keep firms competitive while upholding ethical standards and fostering a deeper understanding of the market’s intricacies.

Effective Sales Training for Law Firms

When we conducted our Big Data Sales Training reports, we learned a lot about sales training for law firms. One of the first things we learned was that their advanced education made them superior learners, netting them more overall gains from training programs than those working in other industries.

One other thing we discovered? One of the biggest issues with legal sales — asking for commitment — was over 130% improved with training.

What do you need for an effective law firm sales training program?

Program Content

Our process uses an approach that is research-backed and meticulously designed to lead your sales people to needed results:

  • Preparation
  • Training
  • Reinforcement
  • Assessment
  • Certification

Proprietary assessments help determine where your team currently stands. Once that’s documented, you’re given a complete, customized-for-you training system.

Instructor Quality

Over the last three decades, we’ve certified over 500,000 salespeople. Our instructors know what they’re doing — and their skills have earned recognition. We’re proud to have been honored by industry leaders like Selling Power, who has named us a Top 20 Sales Training Company nine different times.

Delivery Format

All our sales training materials are tailored to your legal team’s unique needs. Each lesson revolves around one of the five essential selling skills that drive the most definable, measurable success. The methods we use will depend on the needs of your unique team, but often include:

Our goal is ensuring that your salespeople don’t only learn — they remember, too.


Customized training solutions to fit your organization’s needs
Talk about action selling programs through the following lenses:

Program Content:

The Action Selling ® process is built upon and around data and research. We’ve taken data from different industries, teams, and companies to figure out the most efficient path to success. We took that data and turned it into custom agriculture sales training programs that give you everything you need to meet your goals:

  • Preparation
  • Training
  • Reinforcement
  • Assessment
  • Certification