If you operate in a complex selling environment, can any sales training program make the process simple and clear enough that every salesperson on your team can become highly effective?
Certainly…but only if your sales training programs and sales coaching efforts are grounded in the right sales system.
What do I mean by complex sales? I define them as those with two basic characteristics. First, they have lengthy sell cycles: They require more than one sales call, and they involve a series of milestones that must be completed in a particular order.
Second, complex sales include multiple buyer types. That is, instead of just an ultimate decision-maker, you also may be dealing with what I describe as User Buyers and Specialist Buyers. Before you can close a deal, all three types have to be “sold.” In fact, before you can proceed from one milestone to the next, one or more of the buyer types have to be sold on the idea of moving forward. And they all have different decision-making criteria.