Sales Training For Professional Services | Action Selling

5 Buying Decisions

Price is one of the Last of 5 Buying Decisions

Learn what comes first and how to stay in sync with your customer through all 5.

There are five decisions a customer has to make before finalizing who they’re buying from.

You’d think the price would be first, but it’s actually not. Price is the 4th of 5 things your customer considers . Learn what comes first — and how to stay in sync with your customer as they work through these choices — with this short video from Action Selling ®.

In just minutes, learn the 5 buying decisions, and why their proper sequence is crucial.

In 2 minutes, learn:

  • Why only 14% of salespeople are effective at building value throughout the sales cycle. 
  • How your company’s success changes when 100% of your sales team can handle price objections.
  • Steps you can take to eliminate the price objection all together.

Save your next sale by learning how to stay in sync:

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